Complaints... ish

I don't really have a deep post... but I have a couple of random complaints... well, something like complaints...

I live in a small apartment complex (rough estimate: about 100 apartments), yet every day somebody manages to set off a car alarm... sometimes one goes off two or three times a day. The go off at all different times of day: late at night, early in the morning, middle of the afternoon, when I'm eating dinner... so it's not like it's just a bunch of drunk people who can no longer perform simple tasks (I hope... maybe I just live in an alcoholic complex...). Seriously, what's up with this?

Why do teachers/professors thank you when you turn something in? It seems rather silly...

Answer for the Question

After thinking about it for a while, I think I have an answer to the question raised in my last post (at least for me):


If you get what you want, then you have absolutely no right to be upset solely on the basis that someone else got something better.

Thought of the Day

If you get what you want, only to discover that someone else is getting something better, is it okay to be upset?

What if you didn't know about the better thing when you decided what you wanted?

Chicken v. Egg

Okay, I'm procrastinating... for those of you who care: get over it.

This was originally going to be a longer post, but it really is too simple...

What came first, the chicken or the egg?

Can we admit that our understanding of a chicken includes that it hatches from an egg?... I'm just going to assume we can... That, however, does not answer the question fully.

The actual answer to the question lies in the creationism v. evolution "debate" (it's not really a debate because it follows no rules and people stopped using any semblance of new logic years ago... to be fair, on both sides).

If you truly believe in creationism, then you would believe that the chicken came first... that God created two or so chickens, and things progressed from there. If you truly believe in evolution, then the egg had to come first because a chicken's not really a chicken unless it hatches from an egg. (note: in evolution, the first "chicken's" parents would not have been chickens as we know them today... though there may not have been many differences, but that discussion is irrelevant because I am not trying to track down the first historical chicken...)

I happen to believe that God formed a universe that is governed by many "laws," among them evolution (we're also not getting into the differences between my beliefs and intelligent design... suffice it to say that they are far from the same).

I'm going with the egg.

Time Heals All Wounds.

Short version: false.

Long version: it's complicated... but still false.

First, what is time? Okay... never mind... that's a concept for another time. For the purpose of this discussion, we'll assume that the original phrase means that the passage of 'time' heals all wounds. Which essentially means that all wounds are healed and that they are healed without any outside forces (other than time)... though this distinction will prove unnecessary.

Heal - (Oxford) 1 make or become sound or healthy again. 2 correct or put right (an undesirable situation)... (American Heritage) 1. to restore to or regain health or soundness 2. to set right; repair

The word 'all' implies every one... if there is a single exception, then the entire sentence is false (note: using the word 'all' all but guarantees that your statement will be false unless it is properly modified).

Wounds we will take to be physical, emotional, etc.

As time passes, it seems as though many wounds disappear. That cut you got on your finger when you were a little kid... does it still hurt? That girl/guy who broke your heart way back in high school/middle school (whatever... adjust for your age, and make it awhile back... 30 or older high school, 25 or younger pick, if you're still in high school... obviously go back some)... aren't you over them now?

But then... some wounds never seem to ever really go away. A bad sprain or a broken body part (ahem *ankle*)... you could possibly feel the effects of it for the rest of your life. A deceased loved one (pet, relative, friend, etc.)... the pain never entirely goes away.

Time does NOT heal ALL wounds.

But it's not that simple...

I have found that time can ease the pain of just about any wound (in some way or another). The most painful thing I can think of, the biggest wound that I believe can be inflicted upon an individual, is the loss of a loved one. That loss will probably never be healed, but it will probably get better in time. It gets easier... and it should, because no one should be crippled by an emotional loss for the rest of their life.

My theory: time doesn't heal all wounds; time makes our wounds a part of us. We learn and become stronger (in some way... I'm not getting into the whole "that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger" discussion here today) or better for it. Our wounds stay with us. If they didn't, how would we be who we are?

10 Things Every College Student Should Wonder (at least once)

Well, my last 10 things list went well (I judge by the number of comments... otherwise I don't know if you read it... I like comments... please comment...), so I decided to do another.

10. Is this helping me graduate?

9. Will I ever use this again?

8. What is the meaning of life?

7. Should I quit and just marry some rich guy/girl?

6. Am I in the right major?

5. Is that girl/guy single?

4. How much alcohol is too much?

3. Extracurriculars, friends, or good grades?

2. Do I actually need to study or am I just doing it because it's the social norm/because it's what I've always done?

1. I'm bored. What's on TV?

10 Things You (probably) Shouldn't Buy Used

I saw a list like this somewhere, and I decided to make my own, less serious (but still deadly serious), list. This is partly with the idea that Christmas is coming up but mostly for pure entertainment.

10. Laptop - aren't these things pretty much out of date the day after you buy them new?

9. Light Bulbs - probably already burnt out... I wonder how much I could make on eBay...

8. Books - college students like to buy used books, but then they're just all... used... folded pages, wrinkled covers... torn stuff... missing pages... writing in them... [shiver]

7. Mattresses - kind of hard to really wash those things... just think about it...

6. DVDs/CDs - why would somebody want to get rid of them? My parents still have a ton (perhaps literally) of old records... people don't throw out old music/movies unless there's something wrong with it

5. Swimsuits/Lingerie/Underwear - do I really need to explain this one?

4. Software - legality? Not having those product codes gets to be a real pain...

3. Food - why buy it? If you want it used, you can just rummage through the garbage... or... (more literally)... the sewer

2. Toothbrush - I like my toothbrushes nice and new, thanks.

1. Toilet Paper